Setting the standard for compliance across the globe
The British Pharmacopoeia (BP) is the official collection of standards for UK medicinal products and pharmaceutical substances. Produced by the British Pharmacopoeia Commission Secretariat, part of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, the BP makes an important contribution to public health by setting publicly available standards for the quality of medicines.
The BP comprises a five volume printed set, including a single volume of the BP (Veterinary) 2010 together with a fully searchable CD-ROM and online access to provide you with a flexible resource.
The British Pharmacopoeia 2010 contains:
•Monographs including British Pharmacopoeia (Veterinary) monographs
•Test methods
•Infrared reference
•Supplementary information
New for 2010
•40 new monographs for formulated preparations
•Additional standards for widely used unlicensed formulations
•European Pharmacopoeia 6th edition material up to and including Supplement 6.5
•Three free in-year updates for the BP 2010 online to harmonise with the European Pharmacopoeia
•Updates available in January, April and July 2010
Order now
The BP 2010 is now available. Place your order now to ensure you remain compliant.
British Pharmacopeia 2010 package
•Five volume printed edition
•Single-user licence for the CD-ROM
•Single-user licence for the online edition via www.pharmacopoeia.co.uk
•ISBN 9780113228287
The BP eBook is available to order, exclusively to BP 2010 print customers
•£398 (£457.70 inc VAT)
•ISBN 9780113228461
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